This might sound a little cliché, but community involvement and volunteering have actually changed the way I view the world.
I used to think the only way to be a good, contributing member of the community was by having a job or career that would benefit others. That’s a big part of the reason why I picked the healthcare industry for my future career. I’ve since learned that there are countless ways one can help to make others’ day a little brighter. One of the ways is through volunteering.
When I first started volunteering for the United Way funded mental health program, my only purpose was to gain community service hours for high school graduation. I have since lost track of how many hours I have contributed to the program because of the change and awareness my team and I bring into youth’s lives. Mental health was something that I had never known before. Even if I did, it was mostly associated with depression or any other mental illness. There is a lot more to mental health than just mental illness. I am learning day by day as I am educating others on the sensitive topic of mental health.
This program has brought me across some amazing people who strive to build a positive, motivating and welcoming environment for everyone. I can’t be thankful enough for my experiences, skills I have learned and the confidence I’ve gained volunteering at this program!