We had a mom come to the food pantry for support. She had just lost her job and had three kids she was supporting on her own. She was trying to get EI but while waiting for the paperwork to be processed, she found herself out of money and no food for her children. On top of this, she also was in a car accident and was dealing with back injuries. She knew that work in her future would have to be modified to deal with this, which added more stress to her life. Her daughter was turning 19 and she was worried about not being able to celebrate this special day with her. The team at the food pantry provided her with food for her family and included a cake mix, decorations and gift for her daughter to help her celebrate and make the day special for her. It’s these little extras that help give people a sense of normalcy when they’re experiencing difficult times.

In Wellington and Dufferin County, local residents are dealing with complex issues that prevent them from building a good life, including; a lack of transportation, access to stable internet, cost of and access to fresh food, severe isolation, and a low sense of belonging.  At United Way we recognize that the needs and issues that impact the communities we support are different in rural and urban areas, and across distinct communities. Applying a local lens to funding in Wellington County and Dufferin County gives those who are closest to the issues the opportunity to tackle them in ways that they know will work for their location. Learn more about our Rural Communities Impact Area.