Support for Seniors During COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic is an unprecedent crisis affecting all Canadians and putting many at risk due to isolation, job loss and poverty.  Demands on community support programs are growing rapidly and placing major demands on people and our front-line community services.  Canada’s seniors are at greatest risk of poor health outcomes due to the COVID-19 crisis. Social isolation and poverty are placing seniors at even greater risk.

Funding Announcement

On Sunday March 29, 2020, Justin Trudeau and the Government of Canada announced that United Way Canada would be receiving $9million through the New Horizons for Seniors Program to quickly address vulnerable seniors’ most urgent needs and the capacity of our front line agencies.  The fund is intended to support the delivery of a range of community services to seniors, including meeting basic needs like food, hot meals and personal care items, outreach and social support through check-ins with seniors, transportation and other services.

The $9 million will be distributed proportionately to United Ways across Canada over the next few weeks.  Local United Ways are on the ground working with partners in communities across Canada to direct these funds where they are needed most to support vulnerable seniors.  Funds will go directly to agencies providing services, and is not available for individuals seeking support.

What does that mean locally?

Here in Guelph-Wellington-Dufferin, we are quickly working with our community partners to increase their capacity to deliver programs and meet the increased needs of our community.  We will be working together over the next couple of weeks to develop programming that will assist those who need support in the coming weeks and months with things like food delivery and hot meals and social support.  As a community of agencies, we will work quickly and diligently and will update on our progress shortly.

In the meantime, we know that seniors and their caregivers are looking for resources to assist them right now.  We have compiled a list of resources that we are aware of to help with things like grocery delivery, transportation, volunteers, check-in services and local agencies providing support on the ground right now.  We hope this helps navigate services that are being offered right now.

We look forward to working with our community partners in the coming weeks to provide even more help during this difficult time.

Download the Support for Seniors Resources sheet


Grocery Assistance

Grocery Gateway ( – $10 delivery fee / 3 week delay

Delivery via Instacart ( – you order online and instacart delivers it to your house.

Zehrs – 3 day delay

Walmart – 3 day delay

Shoppers – same day

M&M Food Market – 3 day


Grocery Pay and Pick-up – you order online and you pick up at the grocery store.  Most grocery stores are doing contactless pick-ups (meaning you park and they load up your trunk – you don’t leave the car)

Zehrs ( – 1 week delay

Walmart ( – at least 1 week delay

No Frills ( – 2 week delay

Goodness Me ( – rolling out curbside pick-up by April 6th


Guelph/Wellington Local Companies

These are smaller companies doing deliveries.  They may be more expensive than the larger grocery stores. – reserve spots for seniors & immunocompromised – 1 week delay (phone orders + same day delivery) (phone orders + delivery (phone orders + delivery) (free delivery) – order by Wednesday @ noon and contactless pick-up at St. George church on Friday 3-6pm – frozen meat delivery  – organic veg delivery to come – meat / dairy / ready-made meals available for contactless pick-up at location – produce / meat / meals available for contactless pick-up at location or delivery on special request.


Dufferin Area  – Delivery Service

Foodland in Shelburne (deliveries within 10km of the store)

Delivery via Instacart ( or 1-888 246 7822 – you order online and instacart delivers it to your house (Walmart or Zehrs)


Other Delivery Service – 

Other Delivery Service / 519-763-7394

Red top Taxi ($10 delivery fee)


Community Members offering individual services

If you are looking for a volunteer to help pick up and deliver groceries, or offer that assistance to someone else, many people are posting their information on this local website:



Ride Well –

For travel within Wellington County

City of Guelph Transit – Free right now; limiting passengers to 10 people/bus to allow physical distancing


Check-In Services

Seniors Offering Support (SOS) – weekly phone check-in service;

To arrange, call Cheri Herdman – 519-837-5665 or email


Directory of Community, social, government and health services

Dial 2-1-1 from your telephone, to receive support on services that might be available to you


Local Agencies Providing Support to Seniors

Guelph Wellington Seniors Association –

Guelph Independent Living –

Victorian Order of Nurses –