Transforming Lives

“We are so thankful to all the donors who supported United Way Guelph Wellington Dufferin, contributing to keeping our doors open and providing essential services to children, youth and their families and helping us manage our caseload. Our services are vital and if we did not provide this type of support, young people and their families would suffer. No other agency is providing this similar program for victimized children and youth.  

As a result of your funding, you have had a direct impact in transforming the lives of young people in Guelph and Wellington County, who have been instilled with the fact that what happened to them does not have to define them or their future. Funding ensured these young people were able to experience services tailored to meet their unique needs and were reinforced that they are valued, safe, and heard, empowering them towards stronger futures. You have made a difference and changed the trajectory of their young lives, and that of their families.”

We believe that every child deserves the chance to grow up with support to reach their potential, so they can thrive in adulthood. Learn more about our All That Kids Can Be Impact Area.